A month and a day ago I wrote about MastoGizmos.com, my collection of tools to search and browse #Mastodon. At the time there were eight tools. Now that TweetDeck has vanished behind a paywall and people are talking about social media options again, I wanted to remind you about MastoGizmos and let you know that the site now has thirteen gizmos — JavaScript-driven, one-page apps — for searching and browsing Mastodon. They’re all free, ad-free, and will work on your phone.
Here’s what they are:
https://mastogizmos.com/mtrends.html — MastoTrends polls the Instances.Social API, selects ten large instances at random, pulls their trending link lists, and displays them to you.
https://mastogizmos.com/mw.html — Find Mastodon instances by language via Instances.Social, then browse them individually for hashtags. If you want a slow way to get into Mastodon, this is for you. It brings you to explore and browse one instance at a time. (Many of the tools on MastoGizmos are designed to search multiple instances at a time.)
Hashtag Harvest
https://mastogizmos.com/hh.html — Hashtag Harvest gives you related hashtags for a hashtag you specify. It does this by querying four large Mastodon Instances for your hashtag and aggregating the other hashtags that appear in the results. In addition, Hashtag Harvest also shows you frequently-posting accounts and their details from the search results.
KebberCloud Mastodon
https://mastogizmos.com/kcm.html — KebberCloud Mastodon makes tag clouds out of hashtag search results of individual instances. (The instances are generated via an Instances.social call, so you don’t have to supply your own.) Click on a tag in a cloud to open a instance search for that tag in a new tab.
Gift Article Gazette
https://mastogizmos.com/gag.html — Gift Article Gazette automatically aggregates articles with the hashtag #GiftArticle across the largest Mastodon instances and displays them to you in a list. Articles are listed by the number of shares and expire after two weeks, so the list changes frequently.
https://mastogizmos.com/mw2.html — Search for a hashtag across hundreds of Mastodon instances at a time. If you’re searching for an at least marginally-popular hashtag you are going to get LOTS of results.
Two-Hashtag Mastodon
https://mastogizmos.com/2tags.html — Just what is says on the tin. Searches across hundreds of Mastodon instances for two hashtags at a time. Does not display in order of date and does not display images from posts.
Mastodon Social Signal Search
https://mastogizmos.com/msss.html — Mastodon Social Signal Search lets you filter your results by a minimum number of replies/reposts/favorites. How many instances you search across depends on how many options you’re using to filter – it ranges from 10 to 130.
Madeline’s Mastodon Search
https://mastogizmos.com/mms.html — Madeline’s Mastodon Search lets you hashtag search across Mastodon and return results only from those users who have verified at least one link in their Mastodon profile. Verified users are listed by the domain they used to verify. Anybody can verify their links on Mastodon, it’s not a top-down process like it is on Twitter or Facebook.
Mastodon Web Space Search
https://mastogizmos.com/mwss.html — I quite like Mastodon’s search restrictions to hashtags, but many users don’t. Mastodon Web Space Search lets you search for Mastodon instances on Instances.Social and bundle the instances you find into a Google search. This lets you do full-text searches if you must (assuming the instance is allowing itself to be indexed on Google.)
Mastodon Username Helper
https://mastogizmos.com/muh.html — Mastodon usernames can be confusing if you’re not used to decentralized social media. Enter your user name and Mastodon Username Helper will show you your instance name, profile page URL, where your accounts RSS feed can be located, and even where your instance’s hashtag RSS feed is located.
Wikipedia Mastodon Thing
https://mastogizmos.com/wmt.html — Wikidata has, among its thousands of data points, a parameter for Mastodon addresses. Wikimedia Mastodon Thing allows you to keyword search Wikipedia and find pages/people with Mastodon addresses.
https://mastogizmos.com/rdon2.html — RSStodon lets you specify a hashtag and a language, and automatically generates on OPML file of RSS feeds for your hashtag across the 10 largest instances using the language you specify. If you want to do some basic Mastodon monitoring without joining an instance, here you go.
Title: A Baker’s Dozen of Mastodon Tools for You
URL: https://researchbuzz.me/2023/08/18/a-bakers-dozen-of-mastodon-tools-for-you/
Source: Stephen’s Web ~ OLDaily
Source URL: http://www.downes.ca/
Date: August 22, 2023 at 12:43AM
Feedly Board(s): Schule,Englisch