Lesson plan; The Importance of Good Writing

Good writing announces your seriousness, establishing you as someone capable of caring and discipline. But it’s not just a matter of show: The act of wrestling your thoughts into logical form, distilling them into comprehensible phrases and presenting them as persuasively and accessibly as possible is arguably the best test of those very thoughts. It either exposes them as flawed or affirms their merit and, in the process, sharpens them. Dweight Garner

Objective: Students will learn the importance of good writing and literary devices and how they can impact their message.


  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.10.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.


  1. Begin the lesson by asking students to brainstorm a list of reasons why writing well is important in groups of 3 or 4. Encourage them to think beyond basic communication and consider the impact of writing on persuasion, creativity, and personal expression.
  2. Ask each group to write their responses on the whiteboard to capture their diverse perspectives on the significance of good writing
  3.   Ask students to read the article “Does Writing Well Matter?” by Dwight Garner
  4. After reading the article, ask students to discuss the following questions in their groups:
    • What is the author’s main argument?
    • Do you agree or disagree with the author? Why?
    • What are some examples of good writing that you have encountered?
  5. Bring the class back together and have each group share their answers to the discussion questions.
  6. Ask students to identify the literary devices used in the article. Some examples include:
    • Metaphor: “Even the most potent ideas may well survive the most flaccid prose.”
    • Rhetorical question: “Does it really matter?”
    • Allusion: “Even for communication? You can make your point without punctuating it properly.”
    • Irony: “When I prattle on about dangling participles and the like, some students hear a sad evangelist for a silly religion.”
  7. Discuss the literary devices identified by the students and their impact on the article.
  8. Ask students to complete a writing prompt that requires them to write a paragraph or two on a given topic. Remind them to focus on clarity, coherence, precision, and personality, as well as the use of literary devices. See examples below
  9. Conclude the lesson by asking students to reflect on what they learned about the importance of good writing and literary devices and how they can impact their message.

Prompt 1: Describe a familiar object using vivid imagery and sensory details.

Literary devices:

  • Metaphor: “My old sneakers are like faithful companions, weathered by countless journeys and stories.”
  • Simile: “The morning mist draped the city like a delicate veil, softening the harsh edges of buildings and trees.”
  • Personification: “The old book whispered tales of forgotten times, its pages rustling like ancient voices.”

Prompt 2: Share a personal experience that showcases the power of words to change or influence someone’s thoughts or actions.

Literary devices:

  • Allusion: “My grandmother’s words echoed like a wise proverb, reminding me that true happiness lies in the simple things.”
  • Hyperbole: “Her words struck me like lightning, illuminating a path I had never considered before.”
  • Onomatopoeia: “The applause was thunderous, a symphony of approval that validated my heartfelt message.”

Prompt 3: Create a dialogue between two characters, highlighting their contrasting perspectives on a social issue.

Literary devices:

  • Irony: “The environmentalist argued that deforestation was a grave threat, while the lumber executive insisted it was a necessary part of progress.”
  • Symbolism: “The old oak tree stood as a silent witness to their debate, its gnarled branches representing the timeless struggle between preservation and development.”
  • Rhetorical question: “Can we truly appreciate nature’s beauty while destroying its very essence?”

Prompt 4: Craft a short narrative that explores the power of imagination to transport us to different worlds and experiences.

Literary devices:

  • Metaphor: “My mind was a boundless canvas, painting vivid scenes of faraway lands and fantastical creatures.”
  • Alliteration: “In the realm of imagination, I could soar through starlit skies, my laughter echoing through the cosmos.”
  • Personification: “The wind whispered tales of adventure, urging me to explore the uncharted territories of my mind.”

Title: Lesson plan; The Importance of Good Writing
URL: https://annmichaelsen.com/2024/01/17/the-importance-of-good-writing/
Source: Teaching English using web 2.0
Source URL: https://annmichaelsen.com
Date: January 17, 2024 at 02:14PM
Feedly Board(s): Schule